Treat guidelines for dogs READ MORE Treat guidelines for dogs 5th June 2017 Whether you are using treats for training and behaviour rewards or as a bedtime snack, fin... Cannabis for dogs with cancer READ MORE Cannabis for dogs with cancer 22nd March 2017 We often hear people telling stories of how they used cannabis or cannabis oil to cure the... Does neutering cause weight gain in dogs? READ MORE Does neutering cause weight gain in dogs? 24th February 2017 The decision to have your dog spayed or castrated is an entirely personal one. But if you ... Identifying a Quack READ MORE Identifying a Quack 24th February 2017 Quacks claim to have the single, magic bullet cure to every illness and ailment known to m... In loving memory of Jesse READ MORE In loving memory of Jesse 7th February 2017 Over the past few years I have watched Jesse and his mum battle with cancer. Together they... ‘Tis the season to be careful: The danger Christmas chocolates pose for your dog READ MORE ‘Tis the season to be careful: The danger Christmas chocolates pose for your dog 18th December 2016 Christmas – it’s a time for carols, drinks and presents. It’s also a time for over-indulgi... Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc – why ‘A’ doesn’t always cause ‘B’ READ MORE Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc – why ‘A’ doesn’t always cause ‘B’ 23rd November 2016 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Chicken soup cures everything. You should feed a col... Is turmeric good for dogs? READ MORE Is turmeric good for dogs? 23rd November 2016 The turmeric plant, a member of the ginger family which originates in Southeast Asia, is s... Milk thistle supplements for dogs – what’s the verdict? READ MORE Milk thistle supplements for dogs – what’s the verdict? 22nd November 2016 Milk thistle, also referred to as Marian thistle or holy thistle, is a plant that comes fr... Grain-free, the latest trend in dog food READ MORE Grain-free, the latest trend in dog food 2nd November 2016 If you follow dog food trends, then you’re sure to be aware of the latest big one – grain-...