Homemade Frozen Dog Treat for Summer Hydration & Interactive Fun READ MORE Homemade Frozen Dog Treat for Summer Hydration & Interactive Fun 9th August 2022 With the summer heat rising, keeping our dogs cool and comfortable can be challenging so I... Is a raw diet right for my dog?: The Pros and Cons READ MORE Is a raw diet right for my dog?: The Pros and Cons 7th July 2022 When it comes to our dogs, it goes without saying that we want to make sure they are as ha... Can saliva or blood tests identify food allergies in dogs? READ MORE Can saliva or blood tests identify food allergies in dogs? 14th June 2022 Updated July 2023 Diagnosing food allergies or ruling them out completely has always been ... What every dog owner should know about food allergies READ MORE What every dog owner should know about food allergies 26th May 2022 Just like us, our dogs can develop a food allergy at any time of their life, and to any fo... How much water should your dog drink daily? READ MORE How much water should your dog drink daily? 20th April 2022 Updated June 2024 by Kristina Johansen Like us, dogs need water to survive. But did you kn... Do carbohydrates cause yeast infection in dogs? READ MORE Do carbohydrates cause yeast infection in dogs? 1st February 2022 How many of us have heard from someone we know, or a friend of a friend that if our dog ge... Safe & effective weight loss plan for dogs READ MORE Safe & effective weight loss plan for dogs 14th November 2021 Like us humans, being overweight increase your dog’s risk of developing many potentially s... Everything you need to know before feeding your dog squash READ MORE Everything you need to know before feeding your dog squash 11th November 2021 My praise for winter squash continues to grow. I love its vibrant colours and irregular sh... Dos & don’ts of homemade dog food READ MORE Dos & don’ts of homemade dog food 10th October 2021 Over the years, I have worked with many dogs and, together with the owners, have been able... Is salt bad for dogs? The lowdown READ MORE Is salt bad for dogs? The lowdown 3rd August 2021 Updated March 2024 by Kristina Johansen Salt has a pretty bad reputation, but is it as bad...